What is a Business Class Chromebook

What is a Business Class Chromebook

This post currently refers to article published recently – here .  I wanted to provide a bit more meat to this subject so that an ordinary business owner interested in this solution can get a better idea of what to expect.  In the picture is a Chromebook – an HP Chromebook x360 14c.  The last I could get from my supplier.  It came unboxed already(unusual) and I was asked if I would still take it.  Given it’s the last model to be sold probably in this country, I jumped at the chance.  I must say I’m loving the experience of this premium built product!  It’s a joy to work on.  I’ve was tempted to do a video review of this product – what you see of the Youtuber’s who regularly review products such as these but gave up after a few tries.  I need to get better equipment and my lighting sucks where I’m trying to film – it appears Youtubing is not a simple thing of pointing your phone, pressing record and talking naturally – yeah right!  To that end, googling came up with a reviewer that gives a good idea on the unit.  See here – https://youtu.be/HAZcM_IJs2g 

I hope this gives you an idea as to what to expect physically.  If not, please feel free to drop us a line or call if you have any questions.  

Availability of Chromebooks in South Africa

It appears that business grade Chromebooks are not readily available anymore.  All suppliers appear to be focusing on school grade equipment which suffer from a lack of necessary hardware requirements for business use.  For business, 8GB RAM, a decent CPU such as an I3 or AMD Ryzen 5 is recommended, including business grade build quality.  At this point in time, it appears that all suppliers are following this model – order an adequate number of what they have chosen to bring into the country and wait up to 3 months for the order!  You may get lucky as I did, where a shipment is brought in and stock has been returned etc so you can grab a few units in this circumstance.  I have looked at the option of shipping directly from the US.  Whereas I would hesitate to do this with traditional laptops – warranty concerns, since premium quality chromebooks are far more bulletproof, the risk is minimal of getting a dud or something going wrong over the life of the unit.  My HP is PREMIUM baby and guaranteed for updates until 2029.  I fully expect to be using this unit for close to that time with no compromise in performance requirements.  I challenge you to say the same of any premium built Windows laptop!

For its purpose – just open and work, no fuss, no bother, my HP x360 is a work horse and a thing of beauty.  I will be discussing and demonstrating purpose in my next blog article – with a screen recording of how I work on my chromebook.    


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